Archive for the ‘Request’ Category

hello my fellow cyclists

April 19, 2010

Now that the roads are clean and the weather lovely, I am rejoined on the road by Saskatoon’s contingent of cyclists.

First, a knowing wink to you. Thanks for choosing an alternative mode of transportation. To quote H.G. Wells, “Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.”

Second, please do what you can follow the rules of the road. Are you freaking crazy!? Cars hate us enough without the frequent attempts of cyclists to sandwich themselves in between fenders. Here are some easy tips to avoid getting killed and, indirectly, make my life easier:

  • Signal when weaving between lanes. At the very least, shoulder check. It is a statistical anomaly that I have yet to see someone creamed as a result of not doing this. As a corollary to this, it’s better to ride in a straight line in clearly demonstrated space than to duck in and out of parked cars. Predictability is key.
  • Try to avoid cheating in between driving lanes at intersections. It places you in this horrible nether space that does not have an easy exit. Motorists are forced to yield to you until you commit one way or the other.
  • You do not always have the right of way. Four-way stops work in the same way they do when you’re in a car. Also, try to make it clear that you are in fact stopping. When you play the stall-out game, everyone loses.
  • Have the same patience that you wish from motorists. We’ve all got somewhere to be, but it is not your right to get there at all costs. Nor is it the right of motorists. Chill. If  you arrive late, someone will fill you in on what you missed.
  • Why are you riding on the wrong side of the road? Stop that.

I’m not perfect and yes, I do bend the rules sometimes, making use of my small footprint and overland mobility. But even in doing this, the biggest thing I try to keep in mind is the presence of others on the road. Driving is firmly rooted in trust and cyclists bring a more volatile potential to the equation, being substantially more erratic as well as less established in any particular road space. By considering what’s around you and accurately telegraphing your intentions, we can eke out a better place for cyclists in Saskatoon and minimize the amount of rage coming from the filthy metal beasts. Damn, there goes my objectivity. As if that was present in the first place.

Anyways, now that you have endured my elitist and preachy rant, please enjoy the sunshine.

berkley’s ancestors

December 3, 2008

the yellow one is fast

a hideous abomination, but borne of the wind

body bent, feral, his two legs bent backwards, clawed feet gripping the terrain

his single arm unbalances his body

but his lunge is swift, the spike penetrating, unyielding

the green one was stronger

body purposeful, efficient

thighs thick and corded, energy coiled within

diving into his quarry, splitting them

the blue one waits

his silver hair runs fine, from the sides of his head to his shoulders

contemplative, he taps his clawed fingers against the palms of his hands

and waits

I would like to commission some artwork.

If you can paint these for me, I will owe you a million of whatever you want.