Posts Tagged ‘narcissism’

berkley’s ancestors

December 3, 2008

the yellow one is fast

a hideous abomination, but borne of the wind

body bent, feral, his two legs bent backwards, clawed feet gripping the terrain

his single arm unbalances his body

but his lunge is swift, the spike penetrating, unyielding

the green one was stronger

body purposeful, efficient

thighs thick and corded, energy coiled within

diving into his quarry, splitting them

the blue one waits

his silver hair runs fine, from the sides of his head to his shoulders

contemplative, he taps his clawed fingers against the palms of his hands

and waits

I would like to commission some artwork.

If you can paint these for me, I will owe you a million of whatever you want.

how the world works

October 30, 2008

Lately it’s seemed as if everything has gone my way. This is great. However, this has been so consistent that I cannot help but look for an explanation.

The only logical conclusion is that the world rearranges itself to give me the things I want.

First, let’s look at the evidence:

1. My new job with Sexual Health. This is fantastic and wonderful and I enjoy it to no end. I was not expecting to get the job but realized after the interview how very much I wanted it. And it’s turning out to be a direction-defining thing, something I’ve been searching for for a while.  As soon as I realized how fantastic this job is, they talked about phasing me up to full time in the future. Plus, I found out the other day that they’re completely willing to flex my hours around to accommodate my other job for as long as it holds out. This could not be better.

2. Fallout 3. This is a sweet video game that I have been anticipating for many years. It finally came out the other day and, much to my chagrin, had a set of system requirements far beyond what my four-year-old box is capable of. It looked, from the numbers, as if it might not even boot up on my system. So what did I do? I bought the game. And it runs just fine. How is this possible? Computers are hard numbers! There is no such thing as “trying harder!”

3. Karaoke. I went to the Colonial again tonight and everyone was there. And every song was good. This is also impossible. Carlan’s mom sang “Paradise By The Dashboard Light” with me and it rocked. The waitresses, who typically can be a bit surly, were very friendly, joking around and singing along, even dancing to some of the songs. Then, to round out the unbelievability of it all, the DJ switched halfway through the night from the sweet DJ to the awesome one.

So, with the examples above, it is clearly irrefutable that what I want dictates the laws of the universe, which shift and change according to my desires. This is all invisible to me, but is likely too complex for me to comprehend, so it’s just as well. As long as the massive cogs of a Berkley-driven universe keep turning, I’m happy.


On a more serious note, apparently positive thinking is good for life.